Dynamic Warm Up for Runners

Back Bay Health: Dynamic Warm Up for Runners.

Running the annual 5k Turkey Trot this year? Pop the Turkey in the oven and lace up those running shoes. But, before you hit the pavement, here are a few moves to help you brush off the cobwebs. This dynamic warm up is inspired by Seattle based Physical Therapist and Performance Coach, Chris Johnson DPT. 

  1. Knee to Chest

  2. Figure 4 Stretch

  3. Quad Stretch

  4. Hamstring Stretch

  5. Walking Bird Dog

  6. T-spine Rotations

  7. High Knees

  8. A-Skip

  9. Butt Kicks.

Laura Latham DC

Dr Laura Latham received her bachelor’s degree in Physiology and Neurobiology at the University of Connecticut and she earned her Doctor of Chiropractic degree at New York Chiropractic College. Laura’s post-graduate education led her to the field of strength and conditioning, sports medicine and pelvic health. She is passionate about helping pregnant people and active adults with pain, get back to doing whatever it is they love.


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